KURA SUSHI is one of very famous and popular KAITEN SUSHI=SUSHI TRAIN chain restaurant in Japan. You can find anywhere!!
Most of Sushi per plate cost only 100 yen or 200 yen!!Even if you visit with family per person is around 1000 yen to 2000 yen(Depend on how many plate you pick) You can pick any plate from Sushi Conveyor Belt or you can order by touch screen FREASH MADE ONE!!
Fresh made order sushi is served by this express conveyor to your seat! Conveyor Belt Sushi is control by ID chip and if too many hours on train computer pick this plate to trash. Sushi Conveyor Belt Sushi is always serves fresh sushi!!
Not only SUSHI,KURA SUSHI provide a Ramen,Udon,Hamburger,French Fries,Tempura,Sweet,Coffee,basically they have everything. If your friends or family member cannot eat Sushi then they can enjoy other things at Sushi restaurant. Generally,Sushi restaurant in Japan not providing any Hamburger or Ramen.
However Kura is like a food Amusement park. When you finish eating your plate if you insert your Sushi plate on this small window,they count by machine.
If you eat 10 plates you get Gachapon lottery chance!If you are lucky you get Gachapon!! If you are Grand Japaning Hotel Nijo guest,Kurasushi is next door please visit!!