【To customer have finished pre-registration】※ We start from 2019/07/21!
You will receive a pre-registration email from us when you book the hotel.
If you make pre-registration, you will get special offer from us! :
Free delivering service (one luggage per room, one way only.)
Please don’t miss this opportunity!
※ This service is one way only; from M’s KYOTO INFORMATION CENTER to your hotel.
Please come to M’s KYOTO INFORMATION CENTER on the day 9:00-15:00.
※ Not all hotels. Please check the luggage delivery service page for target hotels and luggage regulations..
※ Only first luggage is free; there will be a charge from the second one.
※ This campaign is for a limited period. It may end without notice. Please note.
Detail → Delivery service information
在您使用该服务的时候,请在入住当日09:00-15:00来M’s KYOTO INFORMATION CENTER办理相关手续
※第二个及之后的行李将会被收取费用 ※该活动为期间限定活动。也可能存在没有预先提醒就结束的情况,请提前了解清楚,谢谢!