
Privacy Policy

External Personal Information Protection Policy

Hotel M’s Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Company’) is committed to protecting personal information by upholding a personal information protection policy and ensuring the utmost care in safeguarding our customers’ personal information.

Our company handles personal information in various forms as part of our business operations. The personal information obtained from our customers, business partners, and employees (hereinafter referred to as ‘personal information’) is considered a highly valuable information asset for us. We recognize that ensuring the protection of this personal information is a crucial social responsibility for our company.

Therefore, our company will comply with laws and regulations related to personal information protection, including the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures (hereinafter referred to as the My Number Act), guidelines established by the government, and other relevant norms. We will always keep the following matters in mind to ensure that personal information is handled accurately and with integrity, and we are committed to fully protecting personal information.

1) Regarding the Acquisition and Scope of Use of Personal Information Our company ensures that all employees recognize the importance of protecting personal information and specific personal information. We acquire, use, and provide such information through lawful and fair means, strictly within the scope necessary for operating and managing our hotels.
Furthermore, we will not use personal information for any purposes other than those specified and will implement measures to prevent such misuse.

2) Compliance with Laws, Government Guidelines, and Other Norms
Our company will adhere to the laws and regulations related to personal information protection, as well as guidelines established by the government and other relevant norms that apply to the personal information we hold. This is to ensure the effective protection of personal information.
Our company will implement organizational, administrative, physical, and technical safety measures to properly manage acquired personal information. We are committed to preventing and correcting any leakage, loss, or damage of personal information.

3) Safety Measures Against Risks of Personal Information Leakage, Loss, or Damage
Our company will implement organizational, administrative, physical, and technical safety measures to properly manage acquired personal information. We are committed to preventing and correcting any leakage, loss, or damage of personal information.

4) Handling of Complaints and Inquiries
When we receive complaints and inquiries regarding the handling of personal information, we will promptly investigate the facts and other relevant details and respond sincerely.

5)Continuous Improvement of the Personal Information Protection System
In light of changes in social conditions and the environment, we will continuously review and improve our personal information protection system and efforts to protect personal information.

​6)Handling of Specific Personal Information
Regarding specific personal numbers and specific personal information used in administrative procedures, our company will not acquire or use such information beyond the purposes limited by the My Number Act, guidelines set by the government, and other norms. Except as permitted by the My Number Act, we will not provide specific personal information to third parties.

Hotel M’s Co., Ltd.
Director in Charge Otsuki Kohei
​Date Created: 20th July 2021

[Contact for Inquiries Regarding the Handling of Personal Information (For External Parties)]
[Complaints and Consultation Desk]

Hotel M’s Co., Ltd. Personal Information Reception Desk
〒604-8176 449-1 Tatsuikecho Nakagyo-ku,Kyoto-shi, Kyoto-fu
TEL 075-223-2323(Weekdays 10:00~18:00)
FAX 075-241-2228