Area Search from all areasNijo Station/Nijo CastleSanjo-Kawaramachi/HigashiyamaGojo StationKyoto StationKarasuma Station/Omiya Station Hotel Search from all hotelsM's Hotel NIJOJO OIKEM's Hotel Sanjo OmiyaM's INN HIGASHIYAMAM's Hotel SANJO WAKOKUHOTEL GRAN M's KYOTOM's Hotel GOJO ODAWARAM's Hotel GOJO NAGINATAGIRIWander Kyoto NanajoHOTEL The M's KYOTOHotel Grad One Kyoto Nanajo by M'sHOTEL Tomiya with M'sM's Hotel KYOTO STATION KASUGAM's Hotel KYOTO STATION KIZUYAM's Hotel KYOTO STATION TARUYAHOTEL M's EST KYOTO STATION SOUTHHOTEL Pagong with M'sHOTEL M's EST SHIJO KARASUMAHOTEL M's PLUS SHIJO OMIYA Check-in Check-out Number of people 12345678910 Rooms 12345678910 SEARCH In response to the Japanese government’s request for countermeasures against the coronavirus, and also to protect the health of our customers, we have decided to close our activity service.